Compassionate Evaluations Infinite Possibilities

At our center, we understand the importance of early identification of autism spectrum disorders. Although we do not provide the formal diagnosis we give a path way to gain access to a diagnosis quicker by working with your primary care physician or psychologist. Our diagnostic assessments are designed to provide a thorough understanding of an individual's unique strengths and challenges, paving the way for personalized support and care.

We’re here to help

Once you receive a referral for autism testing or have a suspicion that your child might have ASD. Give us a call to schedule either a basic evaluation or a comprehensive evaluation. Once the evaluation is completed we will send the results over to your pediatrician or psychologist to review and finalize a diagnosis if deemed necessary.

Basic Evaluation

Ideal if you’re looking for the basic testing to receive a medical diagnosis.

Includes: ADOS-2 and CARS2

Comprehensive Evaluation

Ideal for individuals looking for extensive assessments to receive a medical diagnosis in order to access to services and therapies.

Includes: ADOS-2, CARS2, Vineland III, PPVT5, EVT4